Benefits of the tricycle for the psychomotor development of children

kids trike

A kids trike is, if it meets certain requirements, a tricycle for all purposes, that is, it can circulate on the bike lane, it does not require insurance or driving license, it can be carried on urban roads without the need for a helmet (except in the case of some municipal regulations) and can circulate in areas restricted to traffic.

However, unlike conventional bikes, electric bicycles assisted pedaling or e-bikes, help you move when you need it so that the steepest slope becomes a smooth ride and you do not have to be in shape to travel long distances.

Developing psychomotor system

A kids trike is an ideal toy for children because it helps to develop their psychomotor system. You can ride your children on a tricycle from 12-18 months if they carry a drag pole to push it, although the ideal age for them to enjoy it autonomously is around 3 years old, at which time they will be able to do good use of the pedals.

Cognitive skills

The mobility of tricycles is especially attractive to young children. This three-wheeled vehicle promotes their activity and invites them to develop skills such as coordination, balance, strength, and other cognitive skills such as creativity. The use of tricycles has been a turning point in psychomotor development since at thirty months most children already pedal without the push bar for their parents.

tricycle for adults

When children turn two and a half years, approximately 30 months, they enter a new phase of psychomotor development, which is distinguished by the control of coordination. It consists of carrying out activities that aim to develop global awareness of the body, performing movements that involve various body segments.

In this sense, the tricycle helps children to coordinate the simultaneous movement of the legs and feet, together with that of the arms and hands to guide the direction of the tricycle handlebars.

Reasons why a tricycle makes a difference in the psychomotor development of children

  1. Thanks to pedaling, the use of the tricycle helps to improve the tone of the muscles.
  2. It forces to develop coordination between legs, arms, and sight.
  3. It favors the independence of the child. Once he learns to ride a tricycle, the child realizes that he does not need the help of the adult to use it.
  4. development of their autonomy favors the growth of other important values ​​for the personality of children such as security and self-confidence.
  5. As a physical activity, developing dexterity on the tricycle helps you discharge energy and channel tension, which consequently improves your quality of sleep.

Although they are a little more cumbersome, large, and heavy than a traditional bicycle, electric three-wheeled bicycles are made of durable material, of excellent quality, which will give its user the joy of moving comfortably around the city, touring its streets, and living a different experience than riding a car or motorcycle. So, get an electric tricycle today to get a healthy life.

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